Eyelash Extensions

Q: Are eyelash extensions safe?
A: When applied properly by a certified Lash Artist, lash extensions will not harm your natural lashes. The procedure is relaxing and completely pain-free. Your eyes will be closed throughout the entire procedure. The eyelash extensions are applied one lash at a time, one (or multiple) synthetic lash to one natural lash approximately 1-2mm from the lash line. This ensures clients’ safety and allows the lashes to continue its growth cycle without interruption.

Q: How far in advance should I book my appointment?
A: As soon as possible. I am currently booking up 3-4 weeks in advance, and can guarantee that if you try to book the week of, you will not get in unless I have a cancellation. And if you try to book the week before, you will most likely get the "bottom of the barrel" time slots that are typically unsought after (like 8am! ugh!). So PLEASE, PLEASE book ahead of time! 

Q: Do you do refills on other artists' work?
A: The short answer is, no. If you currently have lash extensions on your eyeballs, we do require a removal and a full set.

Q: It's only been 3 weeks, but I have lost a LOT of lashes. What should I do?
A: If you can easily count the amount of lashes, you need a full set. Otherwise, I would book a 4 week appointment even if it's only been 3 weeks. I categorize the appointments by weeks to kind of give clients a "guide" so to speak. Most clients cannot look at their lashes and decide how much time they need to book for me to refill them, therefore I base my time slots by weeks. BUT what really matters is how much time you have booked. So if you've lost a lot of lashes and feel you need more than your normal refill time, book more time (I.e. if it's been 2 weeks, yet you have one eye almost completely bare, book a 3 or 4 week appointment.) Otherwise, we will continually be playing catch up, and your lashes will not get as full as possible.

Q: What do they look like? And how do they feel?
A: All of the extensions I use are made of synthetic polyester. Their two step manufacturing process gives the lashes a naturally soft, luscious feel with a satin gloss finish. The lashes have been tested and have the least possible chance for an adverse reaction to human skin. Most reactions occur when using real animal fibers such as fox or mink.

Q: How long do the eyelash extensions last? Do they fall out over a certain period of time?
A: A single natural lash has a life cycle of 3-4 weeks, and the lash extension will stay on until the eyelash sheds itself naturally. That said, because each person’s lash growth is somewhat variable (just hair growth), I suggest light lash maintenance and booking a refill appointment every 2 to 3 weeks to maintain a full look. When an inexperienced professional applies lashes, he or she often applies one synthetic lash to three to four natural lashes, causing clumps or the lash to break and fall out. In addition, your lashes might fall out if you pick at them or try to pull them out yourself, which is a big no-no. But if you avoid those two problems, your lashes should stay intact. You will get the best retention if you properly care for your lashes.

Q: Once applied, how do I care for my lashes?
A: There is very little maintenance with eyelash extensions. Use a disposable mascara wand to keep lashes looking their best and remember to always use oil-free products on and around your eye area. This includes your facewash and makeup remover! Most face products DO contain oil, so be very careful with which products you use. If you want to be on the safe side, I sell a lash friendly makeup remover/cleanser that is specially made for the eyelash extensions.

Q: Can I have my lashes done if my natural lashes are tinted or dyed?
A: Yes, as long as these procedures are done prior to the lash session. Do not tint, dye or perm your lashes once your extensions are applied. This can damage your natural lashes. It is also recommended to NOT use a manual lash curler as these too will damage natural lashes.

Q: Approximately how long does the procedure take?
A: This service takes 120+ minutes depending on the artist. A fill or touch-up will take 45 minutes to 90 minutes. You should have 50% of your extensions still attached when scheduling your refill appointment, otherwise it is considered a full set. It’s recommended to have touch-ups every 2-3 weeks.

Q: How do I prepare for the service?
A: You should come to your appointments with clean lashes, free of makeup and any oil residue, including eye creams. Any oil based products on or around the eyes will break down the adhesive bond. Please try not to drink any coffee beforehand!

Q: Can I wear mascara?
A: Yes and no... Let me explain. It is not recommended, but is permissible as long as the mascara is oil-free and not waterproof. but BE AWARE - the majority of mascaras DO contain oil! I do retail lash friendly, oil-free mascara for those that feel they need it. BUT please keep in mind that if you get volume lash extensions, then mascara is NEVER to be worn, as it ruins the fans.

Q: Will my natural lashes get harmed or damaged?
A: The biggest myth is that lash extensions ruin your own lashes. They do not. If applied correctly and properly, they are safe and do not ruin the health of your natural lashes. Be sure not to rub your eyes or tug or pull on the extensions because this can cause lash loss and even damage to your natural lashes. If lashes are applied properly and to each individual lash, they won’t fall out.

Q: How do you like to be paid?
A: How do we LIKE to be paid? Cash, Apple Pay or Cash app. But we also accept credit card.

Q: Where are you located?
A: We are back in our original location: 4140 N Post Ave Lakeland, FL 33805


Q: Haylee, I know your main business is lash extensions. So, how often do you do makeup?
A: Good question! I am BEYOND blessed and elated that my lash business has taken off and has kept me so busy! All that to say, I am exhausted by time the weekend gets here... and more often than not, I don't want to work on my days off anymore (Saturday and Sunday). So, for the time being, I have been saying no to the majority of makeup jobs I have been receiving. "Why don't you take it off your service list?" you ask? Another good question... Well, because I love makeup. It's my first love, and I don't want to quit entirely/forever. So hopefully I will get more free time again eventually, and then I will start taking on more makeup cleints again! :)

Q: Do you offer airbrush makeup?
A: As of now, no I do not. I feel as if I can make you look just as good by hand, and I don't have to upcharge for airbrush!

Q: How should I prepare for my appointment?
A: Please make sure your face is completely clean and free of any makeup or mascara before the makeup artist arrives.

Q: What types of looks do you offer?
A: In short, any kind! :) I am well-versed in creating a variety of looks. Although I do ask that if you have a specific look in mind for your makeup, that you show me a photo (or more than one) to give me a clear picture of your vision.
Pro-tip: there’s no such thing as over-explaining what you want to your artist! The more direction they have from you, the better chance you’ll be wowed by the results.

Q: What products/tools do you use?
A: I use only professional, luxury-grade products. I have been building up my kit for over 8 years and only use high-end products.

Q: Do you require a deposit to save my date?
A: Yes, I do require a non-refundable deposit in order to secure your event date.

Q: How long does it take for you to do my makeup?
A: This depends, but most makeups take 45-60 minutes. Special FX makeup time can vary.

Q: Do you offer trial runs? And do I really NEED one?
A: I definitely offer trial runs! As far as needing one, I always leave that up to my client. The trial isn't as much for me as it is for YOU! I am very confident that I will be able to show up the day of the event and whip up something gorgeous for any face, but for people who aren't 100% sure what they want, trials are great!

Q: Do you offer makeup touch ups? And do you ever stay for the entire event to retouch makeup?
A:  Yes and no. Any reasonable makeup touch ups will be included (time allowing). Touch ups include touching up makeup or changes that can be accomplished in 3 minutes or less. I do not stay for the entire event, although if you offer me enough money we might be able to make it happen. ;)

Q: Will you travel to do my makeup on location?
A: This is a tough one. Now that I have my very own beautiful studio, I prefer to do all makeup there. BUT I will travel if you need me to. There is a four (4) person or $350 minimum required for all on location jobs. All other makeups will be done in studio.